Tag: digital transformation

How can data integration enhance personalization for a single customer view?

Single Customer View (SCV) A comprehensive depiction of every customer’s identification, past interactions with a company, and interactions with the brand across many channels and touchpoints is known as a single customer view (SCV). Marketers can use it to communicate, target, and segment their consumer base according to each...

Harnessing the Power of Social Media Marketing

Harnessing the Power of Social Media Marketing: Unlocking Business Success In the modern, internet-connected world, social media has ingrained itself into our everyday routines. Social media platforms have revolutionized our communication and interaction with the world, enabling us to do everything from finding new products and services to keeping...

Emerging technology trends for 2024

Technology professionals have realized that their role will not stay the same in the contactless world of tomorrow. Technology professionals in 2024 will constantly be learning, unlearning, and relearning as technology is evolving at a rapid pace, enabling faster change and progress and causing an acceleration of the rate...